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Kadapa (Cuddapah) is situated in the south-central part of the Andhra Pradesh State. Located 8 km south of the Penna River, the city is surrounded on three sides by the Nallamala and Palakonda hills. This is the district Head quarter (Dt code-11). There are 50 madals in Kadapa district. This is also oe of the madal HQ (mdl code-31) with 11 villages & villages are : 1 Palempalle, 2 Pathacuddapah, 3 Ukkayapalle, 4 Cuddapah (u), 5 Gudur, 6 Rama raju palle, 7 Chemmumiapet (u), 8 Akkayapalle (u), 9 Nagarajupet, 10 Chinnachowk (u), 11 Putlampalli
Cuddapah city was a part of the Chola empire from 11th -15th century. Muslims conquered it in 1565, and then the British took control of it in the 1800. Although the town is an ancient one, it was probably extended by Neknam Khan, the famous Qutub Shahi commander, who called the extension "Neknamabad". It is not probable that Nekanamabad was the name given to the whole town.
In any case it fell into disuse and the records of the 18th century refer to the Mayana rulers not as Nawabs of Nekanamabad but the Nawabs of Cuddapah. Except for some years in the beginning, Cuddapah was the seat of the Mayana Nawabs in the 18th century. With the British occupation of the tract in A.D 1800, it became the headquarters of one of the four Subordinate Collectors under Principal Collector, Major Munro.
In Cuddapah, are the relics of the rule of the Cuddapah Nawabs. Most prominent among these are two towers and the dargahs. It also has got three churches and numerous temples.
Ontimitta Kodanda Rama Swami temple is here. French traveler Tavernier described is as one of the most beautiful temples in India. The Sanctum Sanctorum and annex structures were built in a vast area. The temple is very high. The canopy is built with 32 pillars. It is called Madhya Ranga Mandapam. Tavernier visited this place in 1652 A.D. he was astonished at the freedom the people here enjoyed. The archeological department is renovating it.
Gandikota Or The Gorge Fort Gandikota or 'The Gorge Fort' is situated about 6 miles to the west of Jammalamadugu in Cuddapah district. The width within the fort is at its broadest, about five and a half furlongs from west to east and almost a mile from northwest to southeast.
Masjid-e-Azam This beautiful mosque is located near the George fort and was built in 1691 AD during the reign of Aurangzeb.
Chand Phira Gumbadh Chand Phira Gumbadh is the mausoleum of Syed Shah Mohammed Hussian. It is located in a square building with large dome in the centre, surrounded by tall walls, in the heart of the city.
Bramham Gaari Matham This is the birth place of the writer of the future who has foreseen a large number of happening in present day he has foreseen these during the 14th century and has been a victim of nawab's wrath. Sri Veerabramhendra Swamy is very famous allover Andhra Pradesh that he could be considered as the contemporary of Nostradamus.
Kadapa (Cuddapah) is situated in the south-central part of the Andhra Pradesh State. Located 8 km south of the Penna River, the city is surrounded on three sides by the Nallamala and Palakonda hills. This is the district Head quarter (Dt code-11). There are 50 madals in Kadapa district. This is also oe of the madal HQ (mdl code-31) with 11 villages & villages are : 1 Palempalle, 2 Pathacuddapah, 3 Ukkayapalle, 4 Cuddapah (u), 5 Gudur, 6 Rama raju palle, 7 Chemmumiapet (u), 8 Akkayapalle (u), 9 Nagarajupet, 10 Chinnachowk (u), 11 Putlampalli
Cuddapah city was a part of the Chola empire from 11th -15th century. Muslims conquered it in 1565, and then the British took control of it in the...
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